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Request for Proposals for Pre-Development Work Necessary for the Construction and Operation of a 3-Megawatt Biomass Power Plant



The Eastern Sierra Climate and Communities Resilience Project (ESCCRP) is a bold attempt to restore forest health and lower the risk of uncharacteristic wildfire around the Town of Mammoth Lakes (TOML).  The ESCCRP seeks to rejuvenate 90 square miles (58,000 acres) of the Inyo National Forest (INF) surrounding the town to more resilient conditions able to withstand inevitable future fires. The INF is the most visited National Forest in California, making the need to dramatically decrease the risk of high-severity wildfires on the INF of great state- and national-level importance.

The ESCCRP has secured over $13 million in funding for planning, environmental analyses, and initial forest thinning operations. A main challenge to “accelerating the pace and scale” of treatments to adequately reduce the wildfire threat is disposal of biomass. Building and operating a bioenergy facility is 'The Missing Link’ in providing community protection and restoring regional forest resilience. An environmentally sound means of disposing of the huge volume of woody debris generated by substantial thinning is critical to the viability of the ESCCRP.  ESCCRP partners currently lack a funding source to pay for the completion of the time-sensitive pre-development work necessary to attract a developer and expedite construction and operation of a bioenergy facility. Mono County, a key partner in the ESCCRP since its launch in 2020, is requesting $299,889 in funding over 21 months which, coupled with $300,719 in cooperator funds, will allow for this essential pre-development work to take place. Mono County will contribute $50,213 in cooperator funds which are supported by a $250,506 contribution from the Eastern Sierra Council of Governments (ESCOG), a local Joint Powers Authority comprised of city and county governments that works to address issues of regional significance.

Project Goals

  1. Reduce hazardous fuels and improve forest resilience on the INF.
  2. Reduce forest management costs by stimulating local bioenergy markets.
  3. Promote the environmental and economic health of Eastern Sierra communities.


  • Select potential bioenergy developer.
  • Develop site control.
  • Develop feedstock procurement plan/Stewardship Agreement w/USFS.
  • Interconnection and Power Purchase Agreement w/Southern California Edison.
  • Preliminary Engineering and Design (up to 30%).
  • CEQA Analysis and Decision for bioenergy facility on Ormat property.
  • Land Use/Air Permitting.
  • Regulatory Agency Outreach and Support.
  • Project Management.

Scope of Work

  1. Select potential bioenergy developer from technology feasibility study; work with Ormat, INF, and stakeholders to determine compatibility with power plant developer.
  2. Finalize location of power plant on Ormat property; prepare preliminary project layout on Ormat property; develop lease agreement with Ormat.
  3. Advise developer on feedstock procurement plan; working with ESCCRP partners to establish Stewardship Agreement with Forest Service.
  4. Conduct electrical grid interconnection process; prepare and submit application for interconnect and System Impact Study; develop a BioMAT PPA; conduct BioMAT Program Participation Request to receive BioMAT PPA.
  5. Finalize power plant and on-site feedstock storage yard layout with engineering drawings.
  6. Work with Mono County as lead agency for CEQA Analysis and Decision for bioenergy facility on Ormat property.
  7. Conduct land use permitting; obtain Conditional Use Permit; prepare Authority to Construct application to the Great Basin Unified APCD and conduct air modeling.
  8. Conduct regulatory agency outreach.
  9. Implementation meeting; progress meetings (virtual); summary progress reports.


Mono County recognizes the urgency of completing this project and proposes the following ideal timeline covering 21 months, with the understanding that delays may require the project to take up to 36 months.  Objectives 1-9 will take place during the middle 15 months of the project timeline, as outlined below, allowing for a launch and wind-down period of 3 months each. 

Obj 1: months 4-5

Obj 2: months 5-7

Obj 3: months 6-11

Obj 4: months 7-15

Obj 5: months 7-11

Obj 6: months 6-18

Obj 7: months 12-18

Obj 8: months 6-18

Obj 9: months 7-18


Estimated budget per Objective:

  • Objective 1: $18,280
  • Objective 2: 21,240
  • Objective 3: $17,575
  • Objective 4: $46,340
  • Objective 5: $20,615
  • Objective 6: $100,751
  • Objective 7: $34,450
  • Objective 8: $14,625
  • Objective 9: $26,013

Total Forest Service Funding = $299,889

RFP Requirements

To be considered, a consultant responding to this RFP must provide the following items and/or information in its submittal:

  • A cover letter which shall provide the following: name, title, address, and telephone number of individuals with the authority to negotiate and contractually bind the company.
  • A statement of the consultant’s qualifications, including brief biographical profiles of the company and key personnel who will be assigned to work on the project. Any relevant certifications or education should be identified. If applicable, a statement of qualification as a small and minority firm, women’s business enterprise, and/or labor area surplus firm (see 2 CFR §200.321), or a disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE).
  • Discussion of proposed approach to the above listed project scope, including any assumptions, methodologies, special resources, etc., and a timeline for the completion of the project. If relevant, include any recommendations for additional items which should be added to the project scope to help ensure success.
  • A brief list of projects similar in scope performed by the consultant on relevant projects with dates of work and references with contact information for each. Projects should demonstrate experience working with special districts and/or conducting a comprehensive needs assessment.
  • Current project backlog and the consultant’s capacity to commit to the completion of this project.
  • A brief statement of qualifications and project summaries for sub-consultants expected to be used on projects, particularly experience working in rural jurisdictions and communities.
  • A not-to-exceed cost proposal which is itemized by phase, task, and completion date. Each item must include designated personnel, and estimated hours based upon the Consultant’s proposed work plan. The submittal of costs shall include hourly wages showing two separate line items for overhead and profit. Include additional charges for any subconsultant services, equipment, and reimbursable expenses, also showing overhead and profit.
  • Upon award and through completion of the project, the successful proposing Consultant will be required to follow applicable federal-aid requirements and shall complete and submit with the agreement the following forms at the time of award:
  • Local Agency Proposer DBE Information (Consultant Contracts) (LAPM 10-02)
  • Any other relevant forms required during the project.
  • A disclosure of any financial, business, or other relationship that the prospective consultant has with the County or any County employee that may have an impact upon the outcome of the selection process of this project. Alternatively, the consultant shall provide a signed statement that no disclosure is being made because no such relationship exists.
  • A general statement on the ability to meet the following minimum insurance requirements:
    • General Liability: $2 million combined single limit per occurrence. An additional insured endorsement applying to the County of Mono will be required upon contract award.
    • Automobile Insurance: $1 million combined single limit per occurrence.
    • Professional Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance: $1 million for each occurrence/$1 million policy aggregate.
    • Workers Compensation: in the legally required amount for employees engaged in the work.
    • Any additional information demonstrating the consultant’s capabilities as related to the selection criteria listed below.

Scoring Criteria

Each submittal will be reviewed to determine if it meets the requirements contained under “Submittal Requirements.” An evaluation committee will evaluate the submitted RFPs based on the following criteria and values:


Item                          Selection Criteria                                            Value

1  Demonstrated experience in Biomass related project management.  40 pts

2  Key personnel’s professional qualifications and experience, and recent experience in projects comparable to proposed tasks  30 pts

3  Ability to effectively communicate with staff from multiple jurisdictions, and work with this staff as a team  10 pts

3  Demonstrated capability to meet schedules and complete projects without major cost escalations or overruns  10 pts

4  Verification of cost/pricing data, and evaluation of individual cost elements  10 pts

Per the Pricing Guide for Recipients and Subrecipients under the Uniform Rules (2 C.F.R. Part 200) and in order to comply with cost analysis requirements under 2 C.F.R. §200.323, the technical evaluation shall also consider the following:

  1. An evaluation of estimated necessary labor-hours with an indication as to where adjustments are desirable;
  2. Reasonableness of proposed material type, quantity, and necessity (if applicable);
  3. The need for acquiring equipment and which equipment should be considered as general purpose or unique to the performance of a particular contract (if applicable);
  4. The possibility and availability of recipient or subrecipient property (if applicable);
  5. Number, location, and need for any recipient or subrecipient funded trips by contractor personnel;
  6. A summary statement as to whether or not labor, material, travel, and other cost elements are reasonable along with the evaluator’s rationale.

The evaluation committee may choose to conduct oral interviews with the “short listed” top firms selected from the initial evaluation or may select a top-ranked consultant based on RFP submittals. Cost negotiation with the top-qualifying firm(s) will follow the evaluation, and then the selected firm will be expected to enter into a contract with the County to govern the provision of those services, including a fee schedule. The contract will need to be approved by the Mono County Board of Supervisors prior to initiation of any services.

Questions about this RFP are due by 5 pm on Friday, May 10, 2024, and must be sent in writing to Responses to all questions will be posted online only on the RFP webpage by 5 pm on May 17, 2024.

RFP Submittal

Deadline: To be considered, one digital copy of the consultant’s RFP must be submitted to the Office of Emergency Management by 5 pm on Friday, May 31, 2024.

Email to:

Mono County Office of Emergency Management

Chris Mokracek, Emergency Manager

  • Modification or Withdrawal of Submittals: Any RFP received prior to the date and time specified above for receipt may be withdrawn or modified by emailed request of the consultant prior to the submittal deadline.
  • Property Rights: RFPs received become the property of the County and all rights to the contents therein become those of the County.
  • Confidentiality: Before awarding the contract, all submittals will be designated confidential to the extent permitted by the California Public Records Act. After award of the contract (or if not awarded, after rejection of all submittals), all responses will be regarded as public records and will be subject to review by the public. Any language purporting to render all or portions of the submittals confidential will be regarded as non-effective and will be disregarded.
  • Amendments to Request for Qualifications: The County reserves the right to amend this RFP by addendum before the final submittal date.

Federal Funding Requirements for Contract Award

This contract award is subject to Federal Funding Requirements (2 C.F.R. § 200.326 and 2 C.F.R. Part 200, Appendix II).

Review and Selection Schedule

Submittals will be evaluated using the criteria described above. It is CDD’s intention to evaluate submittals to award the contract, select consultants for interviews if necessary, and notify those consultants within two weeks of the deadline for submittals. A consultant could be notified of selection for contract award within two weeks of the interview date.

Before a formal award is made, the County will confirm that the consultant is not listed on the governmentwide exclusions in the System for Award Management (SAM). SAM Exclusions is the list maintained by the General Services Administration that contains the names of parties that are debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded, or declared ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549.48.

This RFP does not commit the County to award the contract, to pay any costs incurred in preparation for this request, or to procure contract for services. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submittals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified firm or to modify or cancel in part or in its entirety the RFP if it is in the best interests of the County to do so.

Please contact Chris Mokracek, at (760) 924-4633 or by email at should you have any questions or comments regarding this request.



Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals

Due Date

Fri, May 31st, 2024 5:00pm
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